Sunlit Smoke
Silence slithered between us. I wondered who it would bite first, poisoning with discomfort and the things that could be said but stayed firmly locked in both of our mouths.

The Interlopers
He leaned over, his torso bending like a slip of paper, and pressed the stamp into the registry. When he got close, Cassie felt a faint fuzz on her skin, like touching an old TV screen.

“Animals” by Angie Ellis
The thing is, a bull like my dad could crush a bird with one reckless step and not even know it. Maybe that’s why no one buys his birdhouses.

The Gaboon Viper
So that was that. She’d failed to save him, though no one could say she didn’t try.

Free Puppies to Good Homes
Not prepared to have herself proclaimed a marvelous and a precious thing this morning, my wife leaves the breakfast table in a huff.