The Case for Strange
The short story isn’t a mainstream mode of media consumption. We are changed by novels and films, of course. But there is something odder about the short story.

The Bold Loneliness of a Real Life: A Review of Sandra Lim’s “The Curious Thing”
Casual frankness towards difficult subjects defines the millennial spirit and is also found in spades in Sandra Lim’s book, The Curious Thing. Though not a 90s kid herself, Lim treats themes of love, loneliness, and existential panic with this same sharp, clean candor.

A Conversation with the Voices in Your Head: Talking Out Your Writing
Many times, my professors have advised me to start small and expand. Begin an essay with the unique and expand that unique thing into something universal. For me, finding the “Big Picture” in my unique life experiences is extremely daunting. How do I make my life matter to everyone else?

Tarot and You: A Tip on How to Defeat Writer’s Block
If you’re unsure of where you want a story to go, pull a tarot card and let its meaning guide the “future” of your story.