Welcome to Barnstorm.

We are a literary journal.
We publish written and visual artwork that is playful, takes risks, and harnesses energy.

Out Now

Vol. 15, Issue 7: Experi-May-ntal

Featuring works by:
Chelsea Bouchard, Sarp Sozdinler, Amy Cook, and Katy Giebenhain

and a bonus interview with:

Christopher Alan McDaniel, Swamp Editor of Swamp Ape Review

Featured art: “Interrupt” by Katy Giebenhain

“Shed your jacket,

because it’s sixty-

six degrees

outside (you live

in a part of the

world where this

is bad)”

Barnstorm Volume 15, Issue 7

Featured art: “Fluid Painting 77” by Mark Chadwick

 “We stood in silence glancing at everyone in the bar but one another, until the fireworks started popping.”

Sarp Sozdinler, “Synonyms & Antonyms”
Barnstorm Volume 15, Issue 7

Featured art: “Light Tricks” by Dee Ashley

“Meet your fellow performer while you’re still children, preferably growing up in the same small town. You should each have a number of siblings, all within the same age range, so that it will be forever difficult to untangle aunts and uncles upon the destruction of the marriage.”

Amy Cook, “The Phoenix Aces”
Barnstorm Volume 15, Issue 7