"Dirt" by Franklin Cline

[audio mp3="http://barnstormjournal.org/content/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/dirt-for-barnstorm.mp3"][/audio]Light vacuums up the living room and I’vebeen at it again, dirty dishes stackedup on one another, the Jackson 5ouching from the radio, my knick-knacksthumping and dwarving in time. I’ve been atit again, the drink, and I’m warm, the fuzzis ascending. Bless it. Bless you. The hatI wore this morning is missing—the buzzsurfboards right through me while they say do thedishes or else. I say we’re all beingdone, why drag some dishes into it? Adamn dish never hurt anyone. Seeing,so easy, except for the dirt. Listen:that’s all I’ve got left for myself. Listen.Franklin K.R. Cline’s work has been featured in B O D Y, Matter, Beecher’s, and The Chariton Review. He lives in Kalamazoo, MI, with three cats and his fiancée, author Rachel Kincaid.


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