"Gotten on the Head" by Bill Rasmovicz

[audio mp3="http://barnstormjournal.org/content/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Gotten-on-the-Head-bill-r.mp3"][/audio]There should be a name for this kind of limp-arsedambulatory wind, legal procedures forpissing down the neck of the despot, how theweather on a clear night seems astronomical.Even dust transcends to rustand in his previous life, that despot was a barnswallow. You never know.But sometimes this city feels like it has the guts of aTrojan horse where you're just waiting for the sentinelsto burst into warfare.Everything's catastrophized.Heaven peering through the eye of a dollar bill pyramid,the flaccid curtains pulled over the windows ofthe perennially underwhelmed.And the fake cupolas muraled on the sides of buildingsas thought there were always a distancemore enamor worthy.While the bar trashing its bottles across the street soundslike some crystalline mess newlywedding, draggingits apocalypse over the planet.Look at the people, their yeti-like lope,walking the tired streets it's obvious the muscles arethe roots of the brain, that foggily we persist,our memory lunar and pocked with depletionslike the cows in their last lugubrious waltz to the fencebefore they're gotten on the head.Seekers of infinity, let me show you the stellar wherewithalof macaroni! Likewisethe otherworldliness of seaweed.When the comet comes through, I know it's just anopportunity looking for peopleliving for the moment they thought they would die.Maybe the best thing is to get hypnotized bythe sky's reflected toxins,let the essential mosses and lichens overtakeuntil the inevitable: I love you, but it's over.Whether ether islands or the islands' dreamy ethers—ourselves as wella series of things mated to other things and cleaved.Bill Rasmovicz is the author of three books of poetry The World in Place of Itself (Alice James Books), Gross Ardor (42 Miles Press), and his newest collection Idiopaths was released earlier this month from Brooklyn Arts Press. A pharmacist, Bill has also served as a workshop co-leader and literary excursionist throughout much of Europe. A graduate of the Vermont College of Fine Arts MFA in Writing program, his current home is Brooklyn. 


"Flotation Device" by Bill Rasmovicz


"Text Obsolete" by Bill Rasmovicz