Wednesday Linkstorm
In case you rely on Wednesday Linkstorm to give you your news, we elected Barack Obama president last night. I know, I know. You've been waiting all day to read about who won. I just broke that story wide open. Here's Paul Volcker at NYRB discussing the next four years, if you're not burnt out on that sort of thing.It's Albert Camus' birthday today and man am I bored of author birthdays. Major ennui over here. It's almost as if birthdays -- it's almost as if life itself -- has no meaning whatsoever.American recording artist Britney Jean Spears is in talks to write a novel. I'm predicting a sprawling, maximalist work, dense with word play and psychedelic flights of fancy that takes aim at society as we know it.Emma Donoghue, whose book Room made you feel "all weird inside," has a new collection out. It's called Astray and it's reviewed here by the Times.Here's a thing you're gonna want to look at with pictures from Chris Ware's new graphic novel Building Stories. I saw a copy of this in person this weekend and I actually gasped and said, "That's so special!" like your weird aunt exclaiming over your Halloween costume. But really though, it's so special.Los Angeles Review of Books on Owen Jone's book Chavs that just got bumped to the top of my reading list.Here's a gallery of famous author/editor duos. Do you think Charles Dickens and Edward Bulwer-Lytton hit it off because of their commitment to gross facial hair situations? "Finally, an editor who understands my dubious grooming ideas!"Slow book news day guys. Read this if you need a recommend. I just remembered it existed and got it from the free bookstore (that's what I call the library) and then sat there drinking my library coffee and cracking up. Maybe you should go do that too?