Wednesday Linkstorm

Robert Penn Warren's birthday was yesterday. Remember last year when we had that surprise party for him, and you burst in all late and we shouted "SURPRISE!" but it wasn't RPW, it was just you, and we were like "ugh, typical"?Friend of Barnstorm Ian Denning has a story up at Corium Magazine. How does it feel to be so famous, Ian? Can I ride in your limo?Oh look, here's a site where you can order great works of literature with your name substituted in for the main character. Dunno, $24.95 seems like a lot to pay for a joke that's going to wear thin after one second even if you think of the funniest name ever (hint: the funniest name ever is Rick Pelvis).Philip Larkin's Complete Poems is out. Times review here.Uh oh, Lena Dunham of Girls never finished The Great Gatsby. Meet ya at her house in 20, I'll bring the battering ram, you bring the lighted torch and crazed mob mentality.The shortlist is out for the 2012 Orwell Prize (for political writing in the U.K.). Bummer that they snubbed Hitchens' ghost like that.The Rumpus has an interview with John Jeremiah Sullivan. Why haven't you read Pulphead yet? Is it because you hate good things? Also from The Rumpus, an interview with Cheryl Strayed whose new book Wild is getting a ton of press.Charlie Kaufman is adapting the first of YA series Chaos Walking into a movie that promises to make you feel all weird inside.Hey tens of readers! Have a link you want me to make a barely comprehensible joke about on Wednesday Linkstorm? Send it to Somers


Wednesday Linkstorm


Wednesday Linkstorm