"Disasters" by Lisa Beans

I.The Buckeye State is underwater.I just looked up buckeye.It is a tree. I thought it was a bird.I see pictures of people floatingby houses in boats.I've always wanted a boat.Just a little rowboat.II.Once you held my handas flashes from a black and whitelighted dark walls near dawn.A wave of shock I think I described it as.Which reminds me of earthquakeswhich reminds me of the earthquake.The shockwaves took only eleven secondsto travel from San Francisco to Japan.Dynamite seemed like a good idea.III.Those people who crashed downin the Andes and survivedby melting snow into waterand eating their friends,that's what I need to do.Melt the you out of meand consume anything elsefrom those around me.


"The Patient" by Ephraim Scott Sommers


"Ghost Town Tourism Bureau" by Justin Runge