Having a Baby at 20
by Annie Przypyszny
“Baquedano with Loops” by Howard Skrill
is one option
I’m in my prime
and fertile years my baby
would slide out fat and soft
and squat as a peach I could name it
Jack or Jill or Fido or Spot
and keep it in an antique bassinet
with Easter-pink ruffles
and if that’s not enticing just think
how lovely I might look
when pregnant because some women
really do my skin would shine
like pearls and my belly would expand
like some huge jurassic flower
in its wet heat of bloom and though
I have no real job as of yet
I have nice parents and a boyfriend
who would stay or at least
feel really bad about leaving
and my friends would throw me
a shower we’ll have afternoon tea
with binky-shaped cookies
and what’s not to like about that
I love parties I love cookies
I love cute small things and my baby
would be so cute imagine
its eyes so big so bright its happy
kicking legs its pink bud of mouth
latching onto my breast as it drinks me
all up as it sucks the years
out of me like milk just like milk
Howard Skrill’s latest works on paper are perhaps an inevitable progression from the practice he launched in 2013, when he would carry around a folding chair and whatever materials he could fit in his paint-smeared backpack to make plein air drawings of public monuments in walking distance from his Brooklyn home, where he has lived for decades with his wife. The monumental transformations that he has faithfully represented in his recent studio works on paper document objects broken by hammers, chisels and human hands, obscured by markers, spray paint, and plastic wrap and ultimately brought down by lassos and cranes. Works from the series are being exhibited and published widely. Howard is a long time resident of Brooklyn, NY where he lives with his wife.
Annie Przypyszny is a poet from Washington, DC pursuing an MFA in Poetry at the University of Maryland. She is an Assistant Editor for Grace and Gravity and has poems published or forthcoming in The Northern Virginia Review, Jet Fuel Review, Watershed Review, The Healing Muse, North Dakota Quarterly, Tupelo Quarterly, Ponder Review, SWWIM, Beltway Poetry Quarterly, SoFloPoJo, and others.
Insta: @pryps