"I Have a Right to My Preferences" by Hannah Gamble

and may present them, if itemized,before the Board of Directors. I knowthat part of being humanis deferring to the experts.If I was not supervised by a parentalbureaucracy, you would lose meto the opium dens.For I have heard that the philosophyof the East is a more peaceful one.Yet in the West it's said, if our liveswere meant to be peaceful, why did the Lordgive us fingernails to chew on?With our teeth, humans are not allowedto resolve any conflict besidesthe intra-personal ones,and I'm thankful for it. My conflictswith myself keep me from flyingin the face of strangers in the street,unlike the man in Kafka's story, who wouldsnatch a woman's handbag on the crowded train,rather than go home to his wife's face,to which he was indifferent.


"Springtime in the Village of Bruised Statues" by Jason Heroux


"Tip Not Included" by Lisa Romeo